

Shout Outs from the Past 2 Months (as emailed to reme)

My all time favorite quote so far has been a little kid that said he remembered the paparazzi being at the library opening.
me: I was there too, I don't remember the paparazzi...
him: you know, those Mexican guys that walk around going 'Ey-yie-yieee'
me: you mean the MARIACHIs?
him: yes, the paparazzi!

girl: I need to look up these 3 singers for school, get biographical information and 3 songs (for each singer) for a poster.
me: I'd like to see the poster when you're done.
girl: oh, okay.
Three minutes later...
girl: um, I think I'll work on the assignment tomorrow.
me: sure, no problem.
This was a couple of days ago. She never came back to finish her "assignment".
What was funny was that she had written down the names of 3 singers in her school notebook, as though that made it legitimate. I give her an "A" for forethought.

A kid told me earlier today that he was hit by a car and should have died, but Death broke his ankle, so he couldn't make it. Thus, T lived. I told T that although I didn't wish any harm to Death, I was happy that the injury kept him from taking T away. He said "Yeah, me too."

Me: So are you going to eat a lot of turkey on Thanksgiving?
Kid: No, I don't really like turkey in all that dressing and stuff. I just like the kind that comes off a chicken.

Oh the Spelling We Do

Conversation I just overheard from the boys behind me working on their black planet pages...
teen1: Dude, you spelled throwed wrong.

teen2: No I didn't. It's 'Throud'..."I'm one throud nigga."
teen1: No, T-H-R-O-W-E-D. Go look it up up in the dictionary.
[librarian's note: a teen girl was asked what "throwed" means. her reply, "it means tight. or fresh. or, um, nice." Or as another teen librarian pointed out, "throwed" is tha new "crunk".]

teen girl: "miss, how do you spell "bangin"?
me: um, you know that's not a real word, right?
teen girl: yep. so how do I spell it right?

Honest to God Names of Our Students

Brittanica (nice for a library user!)
Easter (not related to Christmas)

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